Balances! A tool for a modern person. With the help of balances, you can keep all financial relationships with people around you in order, easily and effortlessly. Just mark each transaction and write a mandatory comment. You no longer need to count, remember, or recall anything. Everywhere is in order, and there is no need to look for change or count pennies.
With this modification, logic of application gets away from original treelike (hierarchical) one, where there is the main supplier of all chains. Now any element can become a provider, and all their contacts will be able to get their offers and broadcasting them further along the chains. Also any element (the user) can add variety of providers and choose among them.
Registration through the Telegram Widget. There is only one way to sign in for Connect App. Use Telegram secure authorization protocol, without any other dependencies. After each login, Telegram will send you a summary message about the permissions you‘ve granted and the data you’ve passed to the website owner.